18CSE484T - Deep Learning Unit 4 & 5 (12 MARKS)


Transfer Learning

 Transfer learning:

  • Transfer learning is the reuse of a pretrained model on a new problem

  • In transfer learning, a machine exploits the knowledge gained from a previous task to improve generalization about the other

  • Transfer learning has the benefit of decreasing the training time for a neural network model and resulting in lower generalization error

  • Sometimes it takes days or even weeks to train a deep neural network from scratch on a complex task. Transfer learning decreases the task substantially

How it works:

  • In transfer learning, the early and middle layers are used and we only retrain the latter layers

When to use transfer learning:

  • There isn’t enough labeled training data

  • There already exists a network that is pretrained on a similar task

  • When task 1 and task 2 have the same input

Implementing transfer learning:

Two main approaches:

  • Weight initialization

  • Training a model to reuse it

  • Using a pretrained model (select source model, reuse model, tune model)

  • Feature extraction (AKA representation learning)

Benefits of using transfer layer:

  • Higher start

  • Higher slope

  • Higher asymptote

Architecture of AlexNet used for image classification. 


  • It was proposed in 2012 and won the Image-net large scale visual recognition challenge in 2012

  • It has eight layers with learnable parameters

  • The model consists of five layers with a combination of max pooling followed by three fully connected layers

  • They use Relu activation function in each of these layers except the output layer

  • It is found out using Relu activation function increased the speed of training time by almost six times

  • They also use dropout layers, that prevented the model from overfitting

  • The model is trained on the ImageNet dataset. The dataset has almost 14 million images across a thousand classes

AlexNet Architecture:

  • The 1st is a convolution layer with 96 filters of size 11 x 11 with stride 4. The activation function used is Relu. the output feature map is 55 x 55 x 96

  • The next is a max pooling layer with size 3 x 3 and stride 2. The output feature map is 27 x 27 x 96

  • The second convolution used 256 filters with reduced size 5 x 5. The stride is 1 and padding is 2. The activation function used is again Relu. The output feature map is 27 x 27 x 256

  • The next is a max pooling layer with size 3 x 3 and stride 2. The output feature map is 13 x 13 x 256

  • The 3rd convolution uses 384 filters with stride and padding 1. The activation function is Relu. The output feature map is 13 x 13 x 384

  • The 4th convolution uses 384 filters with stride and padding 1. The activation function is Relu. The output feature map is 13 x 13 x 384 and remains unchanged

  • Then we have the final convolution layer with 256 filters with size 3 x 3. The stride and padding is 1. The activation function is Relu. The output feature map is 13 x 13 x 256

  • Then the third max pooling layer of size 3 x 3 and stride 2 is applied. The output feature map is 6 x 6 x 256

  • The first dropout layer comes with dropout rate as 0.5

  • Then 1st fully connected layer with output size 4096

  • Again dropout with rate as 0.5

  • Then 2nd fully connected layer with output size 4096

  • Last fully connected layer with 1000 neurons and activation function used is Softmax

  • This has a total of 62.3 million learnable parameters

Video captioning using 3D-CNN:

3D-CNN has some unrelated content in the ppt...I had to use chatgpt to get the answer for 4m. So I am not taking answer for this question

How the RMSProp and SGD optimizers used in RNN and CNN respectively to improve the learning process.

Optimizers in Deep Learning:

  • Optimizers are algorithms or methods used to minimize the loss function or to maximize the efficiency of production

  • They are mathematical functions that are dependent on the model’s learnable parameters

  • They help to know how to change weights and learning rate of neural networks to reduce the losses

  • Types of optimizers:

  • Gradient descent

  • Stochastic gradient descent

  • Mini-batch gradient descent

  • SGD with momentum

  • RMSprop

SGD with momentum:

  • It is a stochastic optimization method that adds a momentum term to regular stochastic gradient descent

  • Momentum stimulates the inertia of an object

  • The direction of the previous update is retained to a certain extent and the current update gradient is used to fine tune the direction of the final update


  • Reduce noise

  • Smoothen curve

  • Learn faster

  • Get rid of local optimization 


  • Extra hyperparameter is added


  • It is a special version of AdaGrad in which the learning rate is an exponential average of the gradients instead of the cumulative sum of squared gradients

  • RMSprop basically combines momentum with AdaGrad


  • Learning rate gets adjusted automatically

  • Different learning rate for each parameter

  • Noise handling


  • Slow learning

  • Hyperparameter tuning

  • Performance variability due to sensitivity

Autoencoder applications 1. Denoising 2. Anomaly detection


  • An autoencoder is a type of artificial neural network used to learn efficient dat codings in an unsupervised manner

  • Applications:

  • Image reconstruction

  • Image colorization

  • Image generation

  • Image denoising

  • Anomaly detection

Image denoising:

  • When our image gets corrupted or there is a bit of noise in it, we call this image a noisy image.

  • We apply a Denoising autoencoder to remove (if not all)most of the noise of the image.

Denoising autoencoder:

  • To learn useful features, random noise is added to the inputs and makes the autoencoder to recover the original noise-free data

  • The autoencoder subtracts the noise and produces the underlying meaningful data. This is called a denoising autoencoder

  • It makes the model robust against noisy / incomplete inputs

  • Simpler to implement

  • Requires adding one or two lines of code to regular autoencoder

Anomaly detection:

  • ECG5000 - dataset

  • No of classes - 5

Normal data:

Anomaly data:

Siamese networks and its applications

Siamese networks:

  • A Siamese neural network is also called a twin neural network

  • It is an ANN which contains two or more identical subnetworks which means they have the same configuration with the same parameters and weights

  • Usually, we only train one of the subnetworks and use the same configuration for other sub-networks

  • These networks are used to find the similarity of the inputs by comparing their feature vectors

  • We will have two encodings F(A) and F(B) and we will compare them to know how similar they are

How to compare vectors F(A) and F(B):

  • Simply measure the distance between the two vectors

  • If the distance is small, then the vectors are similar and if distance is large, then the vectors are very different from one another

  • We can define a distance function

  • When A and B are the same person, d(A,B) is small and when A and B are different person, d(A,B) is large

Loss function:

  • When A and B are positive pair, the loss function is L2 norm

  • For negative pairs, we use a different kind of loss function called hinge loss



- image classification

- text classification

- sound classification

- feature encoding

- object detection


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