18CSE484T - Deep Learning Unit 2 & 3 (12 MARKS)


Use case: Written character recognition → CNN

Description of the MNIST handwritten digit recognition problem:

  • The MNIST problem is a dataset for evaluating machine learning models on the handwritten digit classification problem

  • Each image is a 28 x 28 pixel square 

  • A standard split of the dataset is used to evaluate and compare the models, where 60000 images are used to train the model and a separate set of 10000 images are used to test it

  • It is a digit recognition task. As such there are 10 digits or 10 classes to predict

  • Excellent results achieve a prediction error of less than 1%

  • Program:

# Larger CNN for the MNIST Dataset

from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist

from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential

from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense

from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dropout

from tensorflow.keras.layers import Flatten

from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D

from tensorflow.keras.layers import MaxPooling2D

from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical

# load data

(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()

# reshape to be [samples][width][height][channels]

X_train = X_train.reshape((X_train.shape[0], 28, 28, 1)).astype('float32')

X_test = X_test.reshape((X_test.shape[0], 28, 28, 1)).astype('float32')

# normalize inputs from 0-255 to 0-1

X_train = X_train / 255

X_test = X_test / 255

# one hot encode outputs

y_train = to_categorical(y_train)

y_test = to_categorical(y_test)

num_classes = y_test.shape[1]

# define the larger model

def larger_model():

# create model

model = Sequential()

model.add(Conv2D(30, (5, 5), input_shape=(28, 28, 1), activation='relu'))


model.add(Conv2D(15, (3, 3), activation='relu'))




model.add(Dense(128, activation='relu'))

model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu'))

model.add(Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax'))

# Compile model

model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])

return model

# build the model

model = larger_model()

# Fit the model

model.fit(X_train, y_train, validation_data=(X_test, y_test), epochs=10, batch_size=200)

# Final evaluation of the model

scores = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=0)

print("Large CNN Error: %.2f%%" % (100-scores[1]*100))

Explain in details about the activation’s functions of deep learning network

Activation function:

  • The activation function decides whether a neuron should be activated or not

  • This means that it will decide whether the neuron’s input to the network is important or not in the process of prediction using simpler mathematical operations

Types of activation functions:

  • Binary step function

  • Linear function

  • Sigmoid function

  • Tanh function

  • Relu function

  • Leaky relu function

  • Parameterized relu function

  • Exponential linear unit

Binary step function:

  • If the input to the activation function is greater than the threshold value, then the neuron is activated, else it is deactivated

  • f(x) = 1 if x>=0   =0 if x<0

  • Gradient of binary step function:

  • f’(x) = 0 for all x

  • Since the gradient of the function is zero, the weights and biases don’t update

Linear function:

  • The activation is proportional to the input

  • f(x) = ax

  • Gradient of linear function:

  • f’(x) = a for all x

  • Though the gradient is not zero, it is constant (does not improve error)

Sigmoid function:

  • Most widely used nonlinear activation function

  • Transforms the values between 0 and 1

  • f(x) = 1/ (1+e^-x)

  • Gradient for sigmoid function:

  • f’(x) = sigmoid(x) * 1-sigmoid(x)

Tanh function:

  • Transforms the values between -1 and 1

  • f(x) = 2sigmoid(2x) - 1

  • Gradient for tanh function:

  • f’(x) = 1 - tanh^2(x)

ReLU function:

  • ReLU stands for Rectified linear unit

  • The main advantage is that it does not activate all the neurons at the same time

  • f(x) = x if x>=0   f(x) = 0 if x<0

  • Gradient of ReLU function: 

  • f(x) = 1 if x>0   f(x) = 0 if x<0

Leaky ReLU function:

  • Improved version of ReLU function

  • f(x) = x if x>=0   f(x) = 0.01x if x<0

  • Gradient of leaky ReLU function: 

  • f(x) = 1 if x>0   f(x) = a if x<0

Parameterized relu function:

  • To solve the problem of gradient becoming zero for the left half of the axis

  • f(x) = x if x>=0   f(x) = ax if x<0

  • Gradient of parameterized ReLU function: 

  • f(x) = 1 if x>0   f(x) = a if x<0

Exponential linear unit:

  • ELU uses a log curve for defining the negative values

  • f(x) = x if x>=0   f(x) = a * (e^x-1) if x<0

  • Gradient of ELU function: 

  • f(x) = x if x>0   f(x) = a * (e^x) if x<0

Learning of XOR

Explain how chain rule work for the deep learning

Write in detail about various optimization methods of deep learning

  • Optimizers are algorithms or methods used to change the attributes of the neural network such as weights and learning rate to reduce the loss

  • Optimizers are used to solve optimization problems by minimizing the function

Importance of learning rate:

  • Learning rate determines the size of the gradient steps into the direction of the  local minimum

  • If too big, then local minimum may be skipped

  • If too small, then it may take a while to reach local minimum

Gradient descent algorithm:

  • A gradient measures how much the output of a function changes if you change the inputs a little bit

  • gradient descent is an optimization algorithm for finding the local minimum of a differentiable function

  • Compute gradient until gradient is almost zero

  • Gradient descent is slow on huge data

Stochatic gradient descent:

  • SGD randomly picks one data point from the whole data set at each iteration to reduce the computations enormously

  • By iteratively updating the weights, the model aims to minimize the loss and improve its accuracy

Adaptive Gradient descent:

  • One of the disadvantages of optimizers is that the learning rate is constant for all parameters and each cycle

  • Adagrad changes the learning rate

  • It changes the learning rate ‘η’ for each parameter and at every time step ‘t’. 

  • It works on the derivative of an error function.

  • It performs smaller updates for parameters associated with frequently occurring features, and larger updates for parameters associated with infrequently occurring features.

  • Adagrad keeps track of the sum of gradient squared

Root mean square propagation:

  • AdaGrad is incredibly slow, because the sum of gradient squared only grows and never shrinks.

  • RMSprop adds a decay factor.

Adaptive moment estimation:

  • Adam combines the advantages of two other extensions of stochastic gradient descent, specifically,

  • Adagrad

  • RMSprop

  • Instead of adapting the parameter learning rates based on average first moment as in RMSprop, adam also uses the average of the second moments

  • Beta 1 is the decay rate for the first moment (0.9)

  • Beta 2 is the decay rate for the second moment (0.999)

  • Adam gets the speed from the momentum and the ability to adapt gradients in different directions from RMSprop. This combination makes it powerful.

Convolution process illustration with an image and a kernel

CNN Intro:

  • Type of deep learning architecture

  • Used for image classification and recognition tasks

  • CNN is a neural network with convolution operations instead of matrix multiplication in atleast one of the layers

  • Consists of 

  • Convolutional layers (applies filters to the input image)

  • Pooling layers (downsamples the image)

  • Fully connected layers (makes the final prediction)

CNN architecture:

Example image matrix multiplies filter matrix:


Convolution operation:

  • Assume that the input will be a color image, which is made up of a matrix of pixels in 3D

  • Image will have 3 dimensions - height, depth and width - which corresponds to the RGB in image

  • We also have a feature detector, also known as kernel or filter which moves receptive fields of the image, checking if the feature is present. This is called convolution

Types of filters:


  • Convolutional layer apply filters to input images to create feature maps

  • Limitation of feature maps solved by downsampling approach

  • Reduces the dimensionality of images by reducing the number of pixels in the output from the previous convolutional layer

  • Types:

  • Max pooling

  • Average pooling



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