18CSE484T - Deep Learning Unit 1


How to avoid overfitting and underfitting in a model?

Avoid Overfitting:

  • Cross-validation

  • Training with more data

  • Removing features

  • Early stopping the training

  • Regularization

Avoid Underfitting:

  • Increasing the training time of the model 

  • Increasing the number of features

  • Ensembling 

  • Increasing model complexity

Illustrate the model of McCulloch Pitts Neuron

  • Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts proposed a highly simplified computational model in 1943

  • The basic idea is that the neuron is either active or inactive

  • Binary input signals - x1, x2,...xn

  • Theta - thresholding parameter

  • This representation just denotes that for the boolean inputs x1, x2, x3 if g(x) i.e sum>=theta, the neuron will fire otherwise it won’t

Write short notes about linear separability

  • Let ax+ by < c and ax+ by > c be two regions on the xy plane separated by the line ax+ by + c = 0

  • If we consider (x,y) as input point, then the perceptron tells us which region this point belongs to

  • These regions which can be separated by a single line are called linear separable regions

  • For example, OR is linearly separable whereas XOR is non-linearly separable



Compare and contrast single layered model and multi layered perceptron model.



One input layer and one output layer

One input layer, one or more hidden layers and one output layer

Typically uses a linear activation function

Typically uses nonlinear activation functions

Limited to linearly separable problems

Can handle non linearly separable problems


More complex

Applications include basic binary classification tasks

Applications include image recognition, natural language processing

Write in brief about Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Supervised Learning

  • Supervised learning is a type of machine learning algorithm that learns from labeled data. 

  • Labeled data is data that has been tagged with a correct answer or classification

  • The machine learns the relationship between the inputs and the outputs and can then make predictions on new, unlabeled data

  • Types:

  • Regression

  • Classification 

Unsupervised Learning

  • Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning algorithm that learns from unlabeled data.

  • Unlabeled data does not have any pre-existing labels or categories

  • The goal of unsupervised learning is to discover patterns and relationships in the data without any explicit guidance

  • Types: 

  • Clustering

  • Association 

Explain the significance of dimensionality reduction

  • It is a process of transforming a dataset from a high dimensional space to a low dimensional space whilst maintaining its informational integrity for predictive modeling

  • Why is it important?

  • Alleviate the curse of dimensionality

  • Computationally less expensive

  • Easier to visualize data

  • Removes noise from dataset

  • Increase in machine learning model performance

Why is the Bias-Variance trade-off important?

  • Bias is the difference the average of the predicted values and the actual value at that point

  • Variance quantifies how scattered or how much variation there is from the true value

  • The bias variance tradeoff is a central problem in supervised learning

  • Ideally, one wants a model that can accurately capture the regularities in its training data but also generalizes well to unseen data

  • Unfortunately it is typically impossible to do both simultaneously

  • High bias leads to underfitting and low variance leads to underfitting

  • Striking the right balance between bias and variance ensures accurate predictions while avoiding overfitting or underfitting

How does the biological neuron inspire the construction of an artificial neuron?

  • An artificial neuron is an imitation of a human neuron

  • Inputs are fed into the hidden layer along with weights 

  • It is then processed and and sent to the output layer

  • The output is then passed on to the next neuron


Illustrate Backpropagation algorithm working with a sample classification problem.

Backpropagation algorithm: 

  • Inputs x arrive through preconnected path

  • The input is modeled using true weights W. the weights are usually chosen randomly

  • Calculate the output of each neuron from the input layer to the hidden layer to the output layer

  • Calculate the error in the outputs (Backpropagation error = actual output - desired output)

  • From the output layer, go back to the hidden layer to adjust the weights to reduce the error

  • Repeat the process until the desired output is achieved

For example problem:

Learning rate = 1

Output - 0.5

Sigmoid function - 1 / 1+ e^-x

Write the various cross validation techniques meant for testing the model

  • Cross validation is a resampling technique with the fundamental idea of splitting the dataset into 2 parts - training data and testing data

  • Train data is used to train the model and the unseen test data is used for prediction

  • Hold out method

  • Simplest evaluation method and widely used

  • The entire dataset is divided into 2 sets - train set and test set

  • The proportion of training data has to be larger than the test data

  • Leave one out cross validation

  • Instead of dividing the data into 2 subsets, we select a single observation as test data and everything else is labeled as training data and the model is trained

  • Next the 2nd observation is selected as test data and the process is repeated

  • K-fold cross validation

  • The whole data is divided into k sets of almost equal sizes

  • The first set is selected as test set and the model is trained on the remaining k-1 sets

  • The test error rate is then calculated

  • This process continues for all the k sets

  • Stratified k-fold cross validation

  • Slight variation from the k-fold validation which uses ‘stratified sampling’ instead of ‘random sampling’

  • Data is split in such a way that it represents all the classes from the population

Write and explain the perceptron learning algorithm OR Explain the convergence theorem for the perceptron learning algorithm

The Perceptron: Forward propagation

Perceptron Learning algorithm

  • The algorithm converges only when all the inputs have been classified correctly

  • Taking any random input x, we check whether it belongs to class P or class N

  • If it class P and input multiplied by weight is less than 0, then weight w is updated as the weight + input

  • If it class N and input multiplied by weight is greater than or equal to 0, then weight w is updated as the weight - input

  • This is repeated until the algorithm converges

Perceptron Convergence Theorem:

  • For any finite set of linearly separable labeled examples, the perceptron learning algorithm will halt after a finite number of iterations

  • In other words, after a finite number of iterations, the algorithm yields a vector w that classifies all the examples perfectly

  • We are interested in finding the line that divides the input space into two halves

  • The angle between vector w and a point x on the line is 90

  • But for input in class P, the angle is less than 90 and for input in class N, it is viceversa

  • That is why in the perceptron learning algorithm we add and update the weight for class P and for class N we subtract and update the weight



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